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It's not "life's illusions", but "life's infusions" that I recall!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Pursuit of Pleasure......

A delicious moment in time is when I can sit with a good cup of tea and a good book.  (Unless you have your own stash of great tea, a good book will be much easier to come by than a good cup of tea).

I was raised by a father and mother who revere books.  My father reads strictly for information.  His books center around whatever subject he happens to be pursuing at the moment: auto mechanics, horse racing, stock market, health products or internet sales.  His office resembles  the "How To" section of a bookstore.

My mother reads for pleasure.  She reads best sellers, historical fiction and a few self-help authors.  It is hard for me to suggest a "good read" for her, because, usually, she has already read the book and one or two others by the same author!  Several months ago I thought I had a genuine "find".   I wanted to introduce her to Big Stone Gap, by Adriana Trigiani.  I called to share my excitement and discovered she had read that book, and several others  by this author.  Recently I had been thinking about purchasing Half Broke Horses by Jeannette Walls.  My mother and I were discussing Thanksgiving plans and she mentioned she had two books she wanted to loan me.  Oh yes,  that's right,  Half Broke Horses !  And of course, the other book by Jeannette Walls, The Glass Castle.  I'm telling you, when it comes to books, it's hard to keep up with her.

Her office is like an overstocked library.  Her desk is surrounded by bookcases on each wall. Books are shelved, stacked and in various states of cascading disorder.  And she has read them all.  She is a book lover and a book giver.  She is of the opinion that a book is one of the finest gifts to give or receive.

The other day I had the privilege of thumbing through the worn red notebook she takes when shopping for a book gift.  A page is designated for each family member  where she has listed what book she purchased and for what occasion.  This wouldn't seem unusual, except over the years,  her family has continued to expand and now, counting the youngest great-grandchild, there are thirty-three family members and another one on the way !

A personalized bookplate adorns the inside of each grandchild and great grandchild's book.  Each bookplate is chosen according to the child's interest. I have to check with her before I can buy a  book for my own grandchildren !

I tell myself this explains why I am a little fanatical about books. I tend to purchase for future reading, not necessarily for the moment.  I'm not sure I know what to do with myself, if I don't have something to read !

At the Author's Fair in the Shasta Mall  I scored these treasures.


A stop at  Barnes & Noble to gather a few joke books...our grandson is memorizing jokes, and of course, making them up.  He's also crazy about baseball and learning to read....


and our granddaughter loves dogs, horses and rhyming.


On Tuesday, Cindy Martinusen Coloma was at Barnes & Noble for a book signing.  I anticipate curling up with one of these lovely books and a nice cup of tea.


There are few pleasures as enchanting as a good book and a good cup of tea...both carry me into other realms.

Happy Reading and Happy Infusions,






  1. I seem to do a lot of self-betterment reading, but am trying to do some leisure reading too for fun. the notebook is a good idea! :O)

  2. Hi Diane,
    Thanks for the comment. I find a lot of help in some of my "fun" fiction reading...I find principles of life in lots of books that aren't especially designated self-help. I hope you will have a cup of good tea with your next recreational book ! Blessings !

  3. I know for sure that my husband would die to have that WW almanac! I love books too...the older classics are my favorites. My sister is the one that gives books on any holiday or special occasion enclosing a wonderful, from the heart message. Now if I just had one of your great cups of tea, I'd be good to go!

  4. Alicia,
    Tea takes it beyond good, into great ! I bought the WW Almanac for my husband and son. My son is a U. S. History high school teacher....and to think he hated history in high school. Your sister sounds very thoughtful. Thanks for your comment and sharing a bit about your life ! Hope you have a wonderful week.
